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미국 대학 컨설팅/성적,SAT.에세이

미국 대학 입학 에세이를 망치는 잘못된 단어 선택 리스트

by 찰스박 2016. 10. 16.

커먼 앱 에세이 Common App Application

대학 지원 에세이 작성을 대학 합격의 당락을 결정하는 매우 중요한 키 입니다.

그렇기 때문에 에세이 하나를 작성하는 데, 신중하지 않을 수 없으며, 그만큼 정성이 들어가요.

학생들은 에세이의 본인의 역량을 다 하고, 본인의 지적인 면을 과시 혹은 보여주기 위해 흐름에 맞지 않는 단어를 선택하거나 잘 사용하지 않는 단어를 넣기도 합니다.

이러한 단어 선택의 오류는 훌륭한 에세이 작성을 망치는 큰 실수 중 하나가 됩니다.

에세이는 물 흐르는 듯 부드러워야 하며 누가 읽더라도 거부감이 없고, 실수가 없어야 합니다.

즉 문맥의 적절한 단어 선택과, 혼돈되는 단어들을 실수 없이 정확하게 작성하여 입학 심사관이 글의 기술적 오류가 아닌, 오로지 에세이 내용에만 집중할 수 있도록 해야 하겠습니다.


아래의 단어들은 학생들이 에세이 작성 시 종종 실수하는 혼동되는 단어들입니다.

매끄러운 에세이 작성을 위해, 혼돈되는 단어들의 정확한 뜻을 이해하고 정확하게 사용해야겠습니다.


Abstruse and Obtuse / Accept, Except, and Expect /  Accidental and Incidental /  Adapt and Adopt / Adverse and Averse / Advice and Advise /  Affect and Effect /  Afterward(s) and Afterword /  Aid and Aide / All Ready and Already / All Together and Altogether / Allude and Elude / Alternate and Alternative / Altar and Alter / Anxious and Eager / Anyone and Any One /  Assure, Ensure, and Insure / Awhile and A While / Ascent and Assent


Bail and Bale / Bare and Bear / Bathos and Pathos / Beach and Beech / Beat and Beet / Beside and Besides / Bloc and Block / Boar, Boor, and Bore / Board and Bored / Bolder and Boulder / Brake and Break / Bread, Bred, and Breed / Breakdown and Break Down / Breath and Breathe / Bridal and Bridle / Bring and Take / Broach and Brooch


Callous and Callus / Calvary and Cavalry / Capital and Capitol / Censor, Censure, and Sensor / Cent, Scent, and Sent / Chafe and Chaff / Chaotic and Inchoate / Choose, Chose, and Chosen / Compile and Compose / Complementary and Complimentary / Comprehensible and Comprehensive / Compulsion and Compunction / Confidant and Confident / Conscience and Conscious


Dazed and Dazzled / Defective and Deficient / Defuse and Diffuse / Demur and Demure / Dependant and Dependent / Desert and Dessert / Device and Devise /  Die and Dye / Disassemble and Dissemble /  Discover and Invent / Disinterested and Unint


Economic and Economical / Elicit and Illicit / Emigrate and Immigrate / Eminent and Imminent / Emit and Omit / Energize and Enervate /Envelop and Envelope / Epigram, Epigraph, and Epitaph / Equivocate, Prevaricate, and Procrastinate / Eventually and Ultimately / Everyday and Every Day / Everyone and Every One / Evoke and Invoke


Fair and Fare / Farrago and Fiasco / Farther and Further / Faze and Phase / Few (Fewer) and Little (Less) / Find and Fined / Flair and Flare / Flammable, Inflammable, and Nonflammable / Flaunt and Flout / Flea and Flee / Flesh Out and Flush Out / Flour and Flower / Forbear and Forebear / Foreword and Forward / Formally and Formerly


Good and Well / Gourmand and Gourmet / Grate and Great / Grateful and Gratified / Grisly and Grizzly / Hall and Haul / Have and Of / Heard and Herd / Heroin and Heroine / Historic and Historical / Home and Hone / Hoping and Hopping / Human and Humane


I and Me / Imaginary and Imaginative / Immunity and Impunity / Imply and Infer / Incidence and Incidents / Incite and Insight / Incredible and Incredulous / Indiscreet and Indiscrete / Infect and Infest / Ingenious and Ingenuous / Intense and Intent / Interment and Internment / Inveigh and Inveigle / Irrelevant and Irreverent / Its and It's


Leave and Let / Lend and Loan / Lessen and Lesson / Lets and Let's / Liable and Libel / Loath and Loathe / Loose and Lose / Luxuriant and Luxurious


Manner and Manor / Mantel and Mantle / Many and Much / Marital and Martial / Material and Materiel / Maybe and May Be / Medal, Meddle, Metal, and Mettle / Media, Medium, and Mediums / Meretricious and Meritorious / Miner and Minor / Momentary and Momentous / Moot and Mute / Moral and Morale/ Nobody, None, and No One / Nutritional and Nutritious


Obsolescent and Obsolete / Official and Officious / Ordinance and Ordnance


Pail and Pale / Palatable and Palpable / Palate, Palette, and Pallet / Passed and Past / Patience and Patients / Pedal and Peddle / Penultimate and Ultimate / Perquisite and Prerequisite / Persecute and Prosecute / Personal and Personnel / Perverse and Perverted / Phenomenon and Phenomena / Piteous, Pitiable, and Pitiful / Pray and Prey / Precedence and Precedents / Precipitate and Precipitous / Premier and Premiere / Prescribe and Proscribe / Principal and Principle / Profit and Prophet / Prophecy and Prophesy / Purposefully and Purposely


Raise, Raze, and Rise / Rapt and Wrapped / Rational and Rationale / Ravage and Ravish / Recourse and Resource / Regretful and Regrettable / Reluctant and Reticent / Respectfully and Respectively / Restive and Restless / Review and Revue / Role and Roll


Seam and Seem / Seasonable and Seasonal / Sensible and Sensitive / Sensual and Sensuous / Set and Sit /Shall and Will / Shear and Sheer / Should and Would / Simple and Simplistic / Skulk and Sulk / Soar and Sore / Sole and Soul / Sometime, Some time, and Sometimes / Stake and Steak / Stanch and Staunch / Stationary and Stationery / Statue and Statute / Steal and Steel / Supersede and Surpass


Tasteful and Tasty / Team and Teem / Temerity and Timidity / Than and Then / Their, There, and They're / Threw, Through, and Thru / To, Too, and Two / Tortuous and Torturous / Track and Tract / Translucent and Transparent / Trustee and Trusty


Urban and Urbane / Vain, Vane, and Vein / Veracious, Vociferous, and Voracious / Vice and Vise / Waive and Wave / Wary and Weary / Weather and Whether / Who, Which, and That / Who and Whom / Whoever and Whomever / Whose and Who's / Young and Youthful / Your and You're

지원자들의 수천 장의 에세이 속에서

보석처럼 빛나는 에세이가 되어 합격의 영광을 맞이하길 바랍니다.

찰스 SAT 온라인은, 지난 15년간 SAT 온라인 수업을 해 왔으며, 수업 노하우를 구축한 시스템을 자랑합니다.

SAT. ACT. SSAT. 에세이 교정과 미국 명문 대학 입학 컨설팅으로 
그동안 미국 아이비리그, 랭킹 50위의 명문 대학 합격, 아시아 명문대, 서울대, 연대, 고대 재외국민 특별 전형을 통해 수많은 학생들을 합격시켰으며, 세계 50여 개국의 학생들과 함께 하고 있습니다.


찰스  SAT 온라인 학생들의 아이비리그 대학, 미국 명문대, 아시아 명문대 합격 스토리   


SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL, 에세이, 미국 대학 Admission 컨설팅

공식 홈 페이지  http://www.satssat.com 



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