단어선택은 에세이를 작성하는데 있어 대학 합격의 당락을 결정하는 매우 중요한 키 입니다.
그렇기 때문에 에세이 하나를 작성하는 데, 신중하지 않을 수 없으며, 그만큼 정성이 들어갑니다.
학생들은 에세이의 본인의 역량을 다 하고, 본인의 지적인 면을 과시 혹은 보여주기 위해
흐름에 맞지 않는 단어를 선택하거나 잘 사용하지 않는 단어를 넣기도 합니다.
이러한 단어 선택의 오류는 훌륭한 에세이 작성을 망치는 큰 실수 중 하나가 됩니다.
에세이는 물 흐르는 듯 부드러워야 하며 누가 읽더라도 거부감이 없고, 실수가 없어야 합니다.
즉 문맥의 적절한 단어 선택과, 혼돈되는 단어들을 실수 없이 정확하게 작성하여
입학 심사관이 글의 기술적 오류가 아닌, 오로지 에세이 내용에만 집중할 수 있도록 해야 하겠습니다.
아래의 단어들은 학생들이 에세이 작성 시 종종 실수하는 혼동되는 단어들입니다.
매끄러운 에세이 작성을 위해, 혼돈되는 단어들의 정확한 뜻을 이해하고 정확하게 사용해야겠습니다.
Abstruse and Obtuse / Accept, Except, and Expect / Accidental and Incidental / Adapt and Adopt/ Adverse and Averse / Advice and Advise / Affect and Effect / Afterward(s) and Afterword / Aid and Aide / All Ready and Already / All Together and Altogether / Allude and Elude / Alternate and Alternative / Altar and Alter / Anxious and Eager / Anyone and Any One / Assure, Ensure, and Insure / Awhile and A While / Ascent and Assent
Bail and Bale / Bare and Bear / Bathos and Pathos / Beach and Beech / Beat and Beet / Bside and Besides / Bloc and Block / Boar, Boor, and Bore / Board and Bored / Bolder and Boulder / Brake and Break / Bread, Bred, and Breed / Breakdown and Break Down / Breath and Breathe / Bridal and Bridle / Bring and Take / Broach and Brooch
Callous and Callus / Calvary and Cavalry / Capital and Capitol / Censor, Censure, and Sensor / Cent, Scent, and Sent / Chafe and Chaff / Chaotic and Inchoate / Choose, Chose, and Chosen / Compile and Compose
Complementary and Complimentary / Comprehensible and Comprehensive / Compulsion and Compunction
Confidant and Confident / Conscience and Conscious
Dazed and Dazzled / Defective and Deficient / Defuse and Diffuse / Demur and Demure/ Dependant and Dependent / Desert and Dessert / Device and Devise / Die and Dye /Disassemble and Dissemble / Discover and Invent / Disinterested and Unint/ rested
Economic and Economical / Elicit and Illicit / Emigrate and Immigrate / Eminent and Imminent / Emit and Omit
Energize and Enervate /Envelop and Envelope / Epigram, Epigraph, and Epitaph / Equivocate, Prevaricate, and Procrastinate / Eventually and Ultimately / Everyday and Every Day / Everyone and Every One / Evoke and Invoke
Fair and Fare / Farrago and Fiasco / Farther and Further / Faze and Phase / Few (Fewer) and Little (Less) / Find and Fined / Flair and Flare / Flammable, Inflammable, and Nonflammable / Flaunt and Flout / Flea and Flee / Flesh Out and Flush Out / Flour and Flower / Forbear and Forebear/ Foreword and Forward / Formally and Formerly
Good and Well / Gourmand and Gourmet / Grate and Great / Grateful and Gratified / Grisly and Grizzly
Hall and Haul / Have and Of / Heard and Herd / Heroin and Heroine / Historic and Historical/ Home and Hone
Hoping and Hopping / Human and Humane
I and Me / Imaginary and Imaginative / Immunity and Impunity / Imply and Infer / Incidence and Incidents / Incite and Insight / Incredible and Incredulous / Indiscreet and Indiscrete / Infect and Infest / Ingenious and Ingenuous / Intense and Intent / Interment and Internment / Inveigh and Inveigle / Irrelevant and Irreverent / Its and It's
Leave and Let / Lend and Loan / Lessen and Lesson / Lets and Let's / Liable and Libel / Loath and Loathe / Loose and Lose / Luxuriant and Luxurious
Manner and Manor / Mantel and Mantle / Many and Much / Marital and Martial / Material and Materiel / Maybe and May Be / Medal, Meddle, Metal, and Mettle / Media, Medium, and Mediums/ Meretricious and Meritorious / Miner and Minor / Momentary and Momentous / Moot and Mute/ Moral and Morale
Nobody, None, and No One / Nutritional and Nutritious
Obsolescent and Obsolete / Official and Officious / Ordinance and Ordnance
Pail and Pale / Palatable and Palpable / Palate, Palette, and Pallet / Passed and Past / Patience and Patients / Pedal and Peddle / Penultimate and Ultimate / Perquisite and Prerequisite / Persecute and Prosecute / Personal and Personnel / Perverse and Perverted / Phenomenon and Phenomena/ Piteous, Pitiable, and Pitiful / Pray and Prey / Precedence and Precedents / Precipitate and Precipitous / Premier and Premiere / Prescribe and Proscribe / Principal and Principle / Profit and Prophet / Prophecy and Prophesy / Purposefully and Purposely
Raise, Raze, and Rise / Rapt and Wrapped / Rational and Rationale / Ravage and Ravish / Recourse and Resource / Regretful and Regrettable / Reluctant and Reticent / Respectfully and Respectively/ Restive and Restless / Review and Revue / Role and Roll
Seam and Seem / Seasonable and Seasonal / Sensible and Sensitive / Sensual and Sensuous / Set and Sit /Shall and Will / Shear and Sheer / Should and Would / Simple and Simplistic / Skulk and Sulk / Soar and Sore / Sole and Soul / Sometime, Some time, and Sometimes / Stake and Steak/ Stanch and Staunch / Stationary and Stationery / Statue and Statute / Steal and Steel / Supersede and Surpass
Tasteful and Tasty / Team and Teem / Temerity and Timidity / Than and Then / Their, There, and They're
Threw, Through, and Thru / To, Too, and Two / Tortuous and Torturous / Track and Tract/ Translucent and Transparent / Trustee and Trusty
Urban and Urbane / Vain, Vane, and Vein / Veracious, Vociferous, and Voracious / Vice and Vise/ Waive and Wave / Wary and Weary / Weather and Whether / Who, Which, and That / Who and Whom / Whoever and Whomever / Whose and Who's / Young and Youthful / Your and You're
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