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2016 하버드 Harvard 대학교 장학금 & Financial Aid

by 찰스박 2016. 5. 14.

2016 하버드 대학교 장학금 & Financial Aid 정보 입니다

Covering 100% of Your Demonstrated Need

Because Harvard is committed to affordability, our scholarships are designed to completely cover your demonstrated financial need. Here is our process:

  • First we determine your award by establishing your parent contribution.
  • Then we factor in student employment and any outside awardsyou’ve received.
  • Your remaining need will be covered by scholarship funds.

These awards come from a variety of sources, including Harvard endowment funds, gifts from alumni, general tuition revenues, and federal and state grants.

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences Scholarship program includes more than 1,500 individual endowment funds, established by generous alumni and donors, including a transformational gift from Ken Griffin ‘89. In recognition of their important legacy, we report to many of them annually using the information students share with us over the summer. When you receive scholarship assistance, you may be asked to write a thank-you note to your scholarship donor.

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