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2016 U of California Berkeley 등록금 & Financial Aid

by 찰스박 2016. 5. 19.

2016 캘리포니아 대학교 버클리 등록금 & Financial Aid

Estimated average costs for nonresidents 2016 

Nonresident students pay an additional $24,708 in nonresident supplemental tuition. Keep in mind that your total cost will vary depending on your personal expenses and the campus you attend.

on campus

off campus

Tuition and fees*



Books and supplies



Health insurance allowance/fee



Room and board









Financial Aid
Applying is free, and many students are surprised to find out what they're eligible to receive. Whether or not you think you’ll qualify for need-based financial aid, it’s still a good idea to apply — it’s the only way to you'll be considered for every type of aid possible.

Grants and scholarships are awarded through a variety of programs, including the federal Pell Grant program, the Cal Grant program, the Middle Class Scholarship program and the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan

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