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2016-17 Episcopal High School 등록금 & Financial Aid

by 찰스박 2016. 5. 30.

2016-17 에피스코팔 고등학교 등록금 & AID

2016-17 Tuition $54,250


Laptop Computer – a one-time expense of about $1,800 (purchased through Episcopal's designated vendor)

Textbooks and Academic Materials – about $700 annually

Private Music Instruction – $1,200 - $1,600 annually

Varsity Athletic Team Trips/Camps - $500 - $1,000 annually

Monthly Allowance – about $200 monthly for laundry, local transportation, and entertainment.

In 2015-16, approximately 32 percent of the student body will receive financial assistance. Approximately $6 million in aid is awarded annually, with the average grant equaling about $38, 500.



Episcopal works with the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS). This organization provides Episcopal with a confidential statement of need based upon an application for financial aid completed by the parent called the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS). More information about the PFS can be found here.

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