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2016 웰즐리 대학교 Wellesley College 에세이 팁

by 찰스박 2016. 6. 27.

2016 웰즐리 대학교 어드미션 에세이 팁

Wellesley Colllege

Helpful tips on writing your essay

Tell us who you are by writing about topics or in a style that reveals your personality, character, or sense of the world.

More about you as a person.

The side of you not shown by SATs and grades.

Your history, attitudes, interests, and creativity.

Your values and goals—what sets you apart.

Some tips on process:


Start working on your essay early; carve out enough time to write a good one.

Choose a topic. If possible, write about yourself or something you know, or at least write from your perspective. Be revealing.

An essay about some small, even insignificant-seeming thing can be more powerful than the "How I'll save the world" essay.

Write, edit, save. Write your essay in Microsoft® Word or similar software; edit and save the file (often).

Write several drafts; let it sit for a few days, then tackle it again.

Get another opinion. Ask: Does it sound like me? Is it interesting from the start? Honest?

Proofread! Check grammar and spelling, more than once. Don't forget that spell check doesn't catch everything.

Cut and paste your saved file into the Common Application. This way you will have a separate record of it.

More writing tips:


The essay is an example of your writing ability. Create a strong opening, an interesting middle, and a clear conclusion. What else?


Narrow your topic and try to be as specific and concrete as possible.

The essay doesn’t need to be a tome. In about 500 words, you should be able to express who you are or what is important to you.

You don’t need to have had extraordinary experiences to write an extraordinary essay. You don’t need to have done incomparable things to be interesting.

Details can be powerful.

Engage us. Take risks with style. Vary your vocabulary; check for repetition; use descriptive and vivid alternatives.

Don't pick the most difficult topic just to impress the readers, then handle it poorly.

Don't exaggerate or try to impress us with what you think we want to hear.

Don't make statements without supporting them.

Don't try to write a funny story if you’re really not a comic.

Don't use language that is unfamiliar to you.

Don't ramble.

Who reads your essay?

At Wellesley, typically three members of the Board of Admission read your application. The Board includes faculty members, administrators, admission professionals, and current students. We’re music lovers, artists, cyclists, baseball fans, professors, guitar heroes, runners, scientists, dog lovers, poets, beaders, computer techies, and more, thus bringing many perspectives to the admission process.


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