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미국 보딩 스쿨 포츠마우스 애비 스쿨 합격 정보 SSAT 점수

by 찰스박 2016. 7. 6.

포츠마우스 애비 스쿨 Portsmouth Abbey Sc. 어드미션 & SSAT

Average Percentile SSAT   72

Acceptance Rate 31%


Complete our Online Inquiry Form.


Students applying for the III or IV Form (9th or 10th grade) are required to take the upper level Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) prior to January 31st.

If you are applying for the V Form (11th grade) or higher we will also accept either the PSAT or SAT.

If you are a non-native English speaking applicant, we also require the TOEFL.

Recommendation letters. Portsmouth Abbey requires a recommendation letter from your English and math teachers, and a school personnel member (guidance counselor or principal). Once you ask these people to complete a recommendation letter for you, fill out their name and contact information and they will be sent an electronic recommendation form to submit.

official transcript.

All admission material must be submitted by January 31st.

All financial aid material must be submitted by January 31st.

Notification of the admission decision is on or before March 10th.

Confirmation of enrollment is due by April 10th.

All applications submitted after the January 31st deadline will be reviewed on a rolling admission basis.

Grades Offered   9-12

Average SAT Score  1858

SAT range (25th-75th percentile)   1660 – 2122

AP  17

Art History, Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Computer Science A, English Language and Composition, European History, French Language and Culture, Latin, Music Theory, Physics C, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture, Statistics, United States History, World History

ESL Courses Offered       No

Application Deadline       Jan. 31


주요입학 대학교 

Boston College, College of the Holy Cross,Northeastern University

The George Washington University, University of Notre Dame, Carnegie Mellon University

Brown University, Princetown University, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University

Posted by Charles' Team

찰스 SAT 온라인은, 지난 15년간 SAT 온라인 수업을 해 왔으며, 수업 노하우를 구축한 시스템을 자랑합니다.

SAT. ACT. SSAT. 에세이 교정과 미국 명문 대학 입학 컨설팅으로 
그동안 미국 아이비리그, 랭킹 50위의 명문 대학 합격, 아시아 명문대, 서울대, 연대, 고대 재외국민 특별 전형을 통해 수많은 학생들을 합격시켰으며, 세계 50여 개국의 학생들과 함께 하고 있습니다.


찰스  SAT 온라인 클리닉 학생들의 미국, 아시아 명문대 합격 스토리   http://www.satssat.com 

SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL, 에세이, 미국대학 Admission 컨설팅

공식 홈 페이지  http://www.satssat.com 



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