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아시아대학분석/국제학교 & 외국인학교

2016 지구촌 기독 외국인학교 입학 체크리스트

by 찰스박 2016. 7. 23.

2016 지구촌 기독 외국인학교 입학 주요 체크리스트

Global Christian Foreign School 


1) The applicant's parents/guardians hold a Korean passport and the applicant holds documentation from the Korean Ministry of Immigration proving at least 3 years of residence and/or 6 semesters of school outside of Korea. 

2) At least 1 parent or guardian holds a foreign passport (cannot have duel citizenship) regardless of the applicant's citizenship.

3) The applicant is a transfer student from another international school in Korea



All parents, upon admissions of the student(s), are required to read, sign and support the school's philosophy and doctrinal statement demonstrating their support of Christian Education. 

Although GCFS respects the religious preferences of our students' parents and does not discriminate on the basis of religious affiliation, all instruction is given in the context of our statement of faith (located in 'About' page). Students from other religious backgrounds may not be excused from religious instruction or activities of the school.


학비 2016 - 17 

Middle & High School (7-12)

Tuition Fee USD $5,000 + KRW 13,000,000won



Scholarships are given to children of full-time pastors and missionaries upon verification.    

Middle & High School (7-12) Reduced Tuition USD $4,000 + KRW 10,400,000won

Posted by Charles' Team


찰스  SAT 온라인 클리닉 학생들의 명문대 합격 스토리   http://www.satssat.com 

SAT,  SSAT,  ACT,  TOEFL, 미국대학 Admission 컨설팅

공식 홈 페이지 http://www.satssat.com 



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