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미국 정부지원 유학생을 위한 장학금 Fulbright FLTAs

by Teacher찰스 2017. 3. 6.







오늘 찰스 온라인 클리닉에서는, 미국 유학생을 위한 정부 지원 장학금 제도중, 가장 인기가 있는 Fulbright Foreign Student Program에 대해 자세히 포스팅 해 봅니다.

장학금 지원을 희망한다면, 모든 정보와 기회에 적극적으로  시도! 하시길 바랍니다.








Government-funded US scholarships for international students


Fulbright Foreign Student Program

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 155 countries worldwide. Approximately 4,000 foreign students receive Fulbright scholarships each year.


The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is administered by binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies. All Foreign Student Program applications are processed by these offices. 


Requirements & Eligibility

In the upcoming academic year, more than 400 FLTAs will live, study and teach at American colleges and universities across the United States.

IIE invites institutions to join hundreds of other colleges and universities across the U.S. which are enjoying the enriching, rewarding and beneficial experience of hosting an FLTA.  Please note that the deadline for host institutions to apply is January 20th.


There are two basic requirements to becoming a host institution for a Fulbright FLTA:

In order to host a Fulbright FLTA, institutions must provide tuition and fee waivers covering all costs related to the two courses per semester that FLTAs must take. FLTAs may take courses on an audit basis. The FLTA Program is a non-degree program. Offering credit for coursework taken by an FLTA is at the discretion of the host institution.


Host institutions must arrange appropriate duties for the FLTA. FLTAs may:

Work up to 20 hours per week

Serve as the instructor of a language course or serve in a more traditional assistant role. If they will serve as the primary instructor for a language course, at least one hour per week should be scheduled with the supervisor/mentor for planning and to review performance and address any concerns. FLTAs must serve as instructors for the language in which they received their Fulbright grant. For example, Arabic language FLTAs who may be fluent in French cannot teach a French language course. FLTAs cannot teach other courses (history, business, political science, international relations). They may guest lecture in these courses but their primary role must be the instruction of the language. Please describe the duties and expectations you have for your FLTA in as much detail as possible on the application form.

Also considered when evaluating potential host sites:

Innovative programs

Supportive administrators and supervisors willing to mentor an FLTA and be flexible

Geographic diversity

Colleges and universities in communities where access to native speakers is limited

Schools that serve minority populations

Campus facilities

International student support

Schools interested in hosting FLTAs in the less commonly taught languages

Offered cost-share


Who can host?

Host Institutions come in all shapes and sizes and represent the diversity of American education. Host institutions include:

Small or large, private or public undergraduate colleges

Small or large, private or public graduate universities

Community Colleges

Minority Serving Institutions


Please note the following special restrictions:

Fulbright FLTAs are funded for one academic year. There are no renewals permitted for individual FLTAs. In particular, Chinese FLTAs can only participate in the program for one academic year (9-10 months), no matter the circumstance.

Fulbright FLTAs are sponsored as J-1 non-degree students. Sponsorship cannot be transferred to host institutions when their Fulbright grant is complete. 






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