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라이스 대학교 RICE UNIVERSITY 메리트 장학금 안내

by 찰스박 2018. 2. 12.

Merit Scholarships

Trustee Distinguished ScholarshipStudents whose personal talents distinguish them within the pool of admitted applicants. 
$25,500 - $27,000 
Renewable for four years. 
Trustee Diversity Scholarship 
Students whose diverse life experiences and contributions to diverse groups distinguish them within the pool of admitted applicants.$25,500 - $27,000 
Renewable for four years. 
Century Scholars Program 
Students who demonstrate an aptitude for research with a faculty mentor. 
Renewable for two years plus a guaranteed research mentorship.
Barbara Jordan Scholarship 
Students who have distinguished themselves through initiatives that build bridges between cultural, racial, and ethnic groups.$25,500 
Renewable for four years. 
Engineering ScholarshipOutstanding applicants to the engineering division.$10,000 - Full Tuition 
Renewable for four years.
Edgar Odell Lovett ScholarshipOutstanding applicants who are foreign nationals.Half Tuition 
Renewable for four years.
Allen International ScholarshipOutstanding applicants who are foreign nationals.Full Tuition 
Renewable for four years.

SAT Vs ACT 시험 차이점과 미국 명문 대학 지원 요령  http://charles77777.tistory.com/727?category=639882

코넬 대학교 (의대) 합격 스토리 http://charles77777.tistory.com/702?category=639890

찰스 온라인 클리닉은
미국, 한국, 일본, 호주, 유럽, 중동, 중남미, 아프리카  세계 각지의 수험생들과
15여 년간 에세이 지도 및 교정SAT. ACT. 토플 수업을 함께 하고 있으며,
아이비리그, 명문 대학, 명문 보딩 스쿨 합격자 배출하였습니다.

Posted by Charles' Team

  공식 홈페이지 http://www.satssat.com


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