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미국 대학 컨설팅

2023-24년 미국 대학별 얼리 지원 합격자 발표 예정일

by 찰스박 2023. 10. 10.

미국 대학 얼리 지원 마감일이 가까와 지고 있는 가운데, 12월 부터 2월 까지 있을 대학별 얼리 합격 발표 예정일을 포스트합니다.

American University by 12/31 (ED1), by 2/15 (ED2)

Amherst College early-to-mid Dec

Boston College by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/15 (ED2)

Boston University mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

Bowdoin College mid-Dec (ED1), early Feb (ED2)

Brandeis University 12/15 (ED1), 2/1 (ED2)

Brown University mid-Dec

California Institute of Technology mid-Dec

Carleton College by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/15 (ED2)

Carnegie Mellon University by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/1 (ED2)

Case Western Reserve University by 12/19 (EA), by 12/2 (ED1), by 2/10 (ED2)

Claremont McKenna College by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/15 (ED2)

Clemson University mid-Dec

Colgate University mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

College of William and Mary early Dec (ED1), early Feb (ED2)

Columbia University mid-Dec

Cornell University mid-Dec

Dartmouth College mid-Dec

Duke University mid-Dec

Emory University (Emory) by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/15 (ED2)

Fordham University by 12/20 (EA, ED1), 2/15 (ED2)

George Washington University late Dec (ED1), late Feb (ED2)

Georgetown University 15-Dec

Grinnell College mid-to-late Dec (ED1), early Feb (ED2)

Harvard University mid-Dec

Johns Hopkins University 12/15 (ED1), 2/16 (ED2)

Lehigh University mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

Middlebury College mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

Miami University - Oxford 12/1 (ED1), 12/15 (EA1), 2/1 (EA2)

MIT mid-Dec

New York University 12/15 (ED1), 2/15 (ED2)

Northeastern University by 2/15 (EA), by 1/1 (ED1), by 3/1 (ED2)

Northwestern University mid-Dec

Pepperdine University 10-Jan

Pomona College by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/15 (ED2)

Princeton University mid-Dec

Providence College by 12/1 (ED1), late Dec (EA), late Feb (ED2)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 12/9 (ED1), 1/13 (ED2), 1/27 (EA)

Rice University mid-Dec

Stanford University mid-Dec

Swarthmore College mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

Syracuse University begins 12/16 (ED1), mid-Jan (ED2)

Tufts University mid-Dec (ED1), early Feb (ED2)

Tulane University by 12/15 (ED1), by 1/15 (EA), by 1/31 (ED2)

University of Chicago mid-Dec (EA, ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

University of Georgia before 12/1

University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign 26-Jan

University of Maryland - College Park by 2/1

University of Massachusetts - Amherst by 1/31

University of Miami mid-Dec (ED1), late Jan (EA), late Feb (ED2)

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor late Jan

University of Notre Dame mid-Dec

University of Pennsylvania mid-Dec

University of Southern California mid-to-late Jan

University of Virginia by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/15 (EA)

University of Wisconsin - Madison by 1/31

Vanderbilt University mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

Vassar College mid-Dec (ED1), early Feb (ED2)

Washington and Lee University 12/15 (ED1), 2/1 (ED2)

Washington University in St. Louis by 12/15 (ED1), by 2/16 (ED2)

Wellesley College mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

Wesleyan University mid-Dec (ED1), mid-Feb (ED2)

Williams College by 12/15

Worcester Polytechnic Institute mid-Dec (ED1), late Jan (EA1), mid-Feb (ED2), late Feb (EA2)

Yale University mid-Dec

찰스 온라인 어드미션 클리닉













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