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워싱턴 대학교 세인트 루이스, 장학금 & Financial Aid정보 (Washington U in St.Louis)

by 찰스박 2016. 5. 5.

2017 워싱턴 대학교 세인트 루이스, 장학금 & Financial Aid정보 입니다

To be considered for an academic scholarship or fellowship, you must:

  • Apply for undergraduate admission by submitting a Common Application for admission to the Washington University Class of 2021.
  • A separate application for each scholarship or fellowship program. If you wish to apply online, you must first submit your Common Application to gain access to the WashU Pathway. Your WashU Pathway account will be active one to two business days after you submit your Common Application. You may apply online using the links available when you log in to the WashU Pathway. If you prefer, you may also submit applications by mail.
  • You may apply for the school-specific scholarship and fellowship program(s) that match your academic interest as indicated on your Common Application. You may apply for any of the university-wide scholarships that match your extracurricular interests.
  • Some scholarship and fellowship programs have additional requirements. Please see review the program page for instructions. Unless otherwise indicated, we use the teacher and counselor recommendations from your Common Application.
  • All application materials must be received by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on January 15, 2017. The online application will not be available after that time.
  • Students who apply under Washington University's binding Early Decision plan may apply for any scholarship matching their academic and extracurricular achievements. Academic scholarships, however, are not awarded until after the early decision commitment date.

More Scholarship Opportunities

찰스 SAT 온라인은, 지난 15년간 SAT 온라인 수업을 해 왔으며, 수업 노하우를 구축한 시스템을 자랑합니다.

SAT. ACT. SSAT. 에세이 교정과 미국 명문 대학 입학 컨설팅으로 
그동안 미국 아이비리그, 랭킹 50위의 명문 대학 합격, 아시아 명문대, 서울대, 연대, 고대 재외국민 특별 전형을 통해 수많은 학생들을 합격시켰으며, 세계 50여 개국의 학생들과 함께 하고 있습니다.


찰스  SAT 온라인 클리닉 학생들의 미국, 아시아 명문대 합격 스토리   http://www.satssat.com 

SAT, SSAT, ACT, TOEFL, 에세이, 미국대학 Admission 컨설팅

공식 홈 페이지  http://www.satssat.com 


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