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2016 다트머스 Dartmouth 대학 장학금 & Financial Aid 정보

by 찰스박 2016. 5. 6.

2016 다트머스 대학 장학금 & Financial Aid 정보 입니다

Dartmouth Scholarships

Dartmouth Scholarships are need-based and are given without expectation of repayment. Amounts range from $1,000 to over $50,000, depending on our determination of your eligibility.

Dartmouth Endowed scholarships

Some Dartmouth students will be selected as recipients of one or more of our over 750 endowed scholarship funds. These awards are not additional money, but indicate that the aid already awarded will come from a specific endowed fund. No separate application is required. 

Students receiving these scholarships write their donor a note of thanks annually. Many even meet their donors, which can lead to amazing networking opportunities.

Outside Scholarships

Students who receive scholarships from external sources can use these funds to reduce the loan and/or job portions of their financial aid packages. In some cases, outside scholarships may be used to reduce the expected family contribution (EFC), but never below the federally-calculated level. Dartmouth scholarship is only reduced as a last resort to avoid over awarding when all other need-based components of the award have been reduced.

Veteran’s Benefits

Veteran's benefits are included as a resource in the determination of eligibility for Dartmouth scholarship awards. Dartmouth College currently participates at 100% in the Yellow Ribbon Program which supplements GI Bill benefits.

Federal Grants

For U.S. citizens or permanent residents, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the only form required to apply for Federal Financial Aid. 

The federal government provides Pell Grants to students who qualify on the basis of financial need as determined by their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) are awarded by the College to the most needy students. They vary in amount but do not exceed $4,000 a year.

State Grant Programs

Some states have need-based grants for undergraduate students which may be used at Dartmouth. State grants may be included in your overall grant eligibility, but are not counted until they are received from the state, at which time they will reduce Dartmouth scholarship, dollar-for-dollar. Contact the Financial Aid Office for the most recent information about your state's grant program.

- See more at: http://admissions.dartmouth.edu/financial-aid/apply-aid/prospective-transfer-students/types-financial-aid/grants-scholarships#sthash.pbr7Fi4Y.dpuf

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