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대학 지원시 유리한 Extracurricular Activities

by 찰스박 2016. 11. 21.

Extracurricular Activities는 지원자의 흥미와 적성, 더 나아가서는 인성과 가치관을 볼 수 있는 매개체가 됩니다.

그렇기 때문에 과외활동을 통한 resume 작성은 중요한 매개체가 되지 않을 수가 없습니다.

또한 에세이를 작성을 할 때 Main Topic이 되는 경우가 흔치 않습니다.

그래서 오늘은 섹션 별로 나열을 해 볼까 합니다.

본인의 적성과 맞추어 선택하는데 참고 하시기 바랍니다.


1) Clubs

Chess club, mathletes, mock trial, debate, animé club, role playing club, language clubs, film club,

skateboarding club, diversity/minority groups

2) Governance

Student government, student council, prom committee, community youth board, advisory boards

3) Sports

Football, baseball, hockey, track, gymnastics, dance, lacrosse, swimming, soccer, cheerleading

4) Music

Chorus, band (marching, jazz, symphonic, concert, pep...), orchestra, ensembles, church, personal group efforts

5) Church activity

community outreach, helping the elderly, event planning, community suppers, church-sponsored music and athletic programs,

teaching or organizing for summer camps and retreats, missionary work

6) Community activity

community theater, event organizing, festival staff, and many other activities 

7) Media

local television, school radio or television, yearbook staff, school newspaper, literary journal, blogging and online journaling,

local newspaper, movie or publication 

8) Arts

theater, music, dance, painting, photography, creative writing and other creative endeavors. 

Posted by Charles' Team


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