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텍사스 A&M 대학교 SAT ACT GPA 입학분석

by 찰스박 2017. 7. 18.

안녕하세요.  여름이 더욱 깊어가는 7월입니다.

오늘 찰스 온라인 클리닉에서는 텍사스 A&M 대학교의 SAT, ACT, GPA, 토플과 입학 전반에 관해  분석 해 보는 시간을 가져 보도록하겠습니다.


2017 U.S News 미국대학 순위 74위의 텍사스 A&M 대학의 SAT 평균점수대는 1070- 1310, ACT 25 - 30을 나타 내고 있습니다.  평균 GPA: 3.55이며, 합격률은: 66%

위의 성적으로 지원 가능한 주요 대학을 살펴 보면 

Hofstra University Hempstead, NY  

Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX  

Auburn University Auburn University, AL  

University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH  

Temple University Philadelphia, PA  

Quinnipiac University Hamden, CT  

Seton Hall University South Orange, NJ  

위위 성적으로 지원시 합격률이 높은 대학은 

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL  

Ohio University Athens, OH  

University of Arizona Tucson, AZ  

University of North Texas Denton, TX  

Pace University New York, NY  

University of Texas at Arlington Arlington, TX  

California State University Long Beach

텍사스 A&M 대학에서 요구 하는 고등학교 코스웍 

4 years of English

4 years of Mathematics - Three of the courses must be Algebra I, II and Geometry

4 years of Science - Two courses must come from Biology I, Chemistry I or Physics I

2 years of the same foreign language

American Sign Language is acceptable and will satisfy Texas A&M graduation requirements for all Bachelor of Science degrees.

Computer Science is acceptable for admissions purposes but will not satisfy Texas A&M graduation requirements.

유학생 영어 최소 점수 요구사항

a minimum TOEFL score of: 550 for pbt ,  80 iBT, or

a  minimum SAT:

Test date prior to March 2016-Critical Reading (Verbal) score of 500

Test date after March 2016-Evidence Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score of 560

a minimum ACT English score of 21,

a minimum PTE Academic score of 53,

a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 overall band, or

completing all four years in a high school within the U.S.

탑 10% 입학생들의 조건 .

Freshman applicants qualify for automatic top 10% admission (but not necessarily to the major of choice) if they:

attend a recognized public or private high school in Texas, and rank in the top 10% of their graduating class on or before the application deadline, and satisfy the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy, and successfully complete the recommended or distinguished graduation plan*, and ensure all required documents are received by the application deadline.

Academic Admits

Applicants qualify for automatic academic admission (but not necessarily to the major of choice), if they:

successfully complete Texas A&M's required coursework, and rank in the top quarter of their graduating class on or before the application deadline, and meet test score minimums

New SAT:

Total score of at least a 1360 with at least:

620 Math; and

660 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW)


Old SAT:

Composite score of at least 1300 (Math and Critical Reading) with at least:

600 Math; and

600 Critical Reading



Composite score of at least 30 with at least:

27 Math; and

27 English

SAT. ACT 점수를 대학에 제출시 이 대학은 SAT Score Choice를 택하고 있습니다.

SAT SCORE CHOICE란 무엇인지 살펴 볼까요? 


Application 에세이 

The following essay topics are valid for the ApplyTexas Application ONLY.

Essay A - Required

What was the environment you were raised in? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.

Essay B - Required

Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself.

Essay C - Optional

You've got a ticket in your hand. Where will you go? What will you do? What will happen when you get there?

찰스온라인 클리닉 클래스 스토리 보기  http://blog.naver.com/charles77777/220961451902

도움이 되셨나요?

텍사스 A&M 대학을 준비하는 학생들에게 유익한 시간이었길 바랍니다. 

좋은 하루 되세요.

찰스 온라인 클리닉은
미국, 한국, 일본, 호주, 유럽, 중동, 중남미, 아프리카  세계 각지의 수험생들과
15여 년간 에세이 지도 및 교정SAT. ACT. 토플 수업을 함께 하고 있으며,
아이비리그, 명문 대학, 명문 보딩 스쿨 합격자 배출하였습니다.

Posted by Charles' Team

 공식 홈페이지 http://www.satssat.com



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